Wealth Management

Wealth Management vs. Asset Management

When investing during retirement, compare and consider asset management vs wealth management. Investments in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, and other financial vehicles can be included in Asset Management. A major focus of asset management is investing, while wealth management has a broader scope. In comparison, wealth management takes into account a person’s or family’s overall financial situation and takes steps to maximize and protect their wealth for the future. This can encompass tax preparation, estate planning, cash flow management, and any other use of money. 

Wealth management is a key part of our strategy for retirement planning. Retirement Planners of Texas, LLC seeks to ensure that you will have access to your money for the rest of your life.

Our Purpose in Wealth Management

At Retirement Planners of Texas, LLC, we recognize that there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. Therefore, each client’s individual situation is carefully examined, and we help them make the right decision based on their circumstances. 

financial advisor meeting with his clients to discuss wealth management for retirement houston tx

We Have a Fiduciary Responsibility to Wealth Management

Retirement Planners of Texas, LLC must put their clients’ needs first as financial advisors. It is our professional ethics to always do what is best for our clients – regardless of the circumstances. Because of the risks involved in investing, it is important to have a deep understanding of the market. A licensed professional can help you assess your risks. Our financial advisors will guide you through all your investment options and risks. Together, we help create a plan clients can feel confident about.

Wealth Management Services

Every year, we meet with our clients and stay in touch as needed. By planning and monitoring your finances, you can make your money work for you. One of the ways we help clients prepare for retirement is through individual meetings. Topics we can discuss during one-on-one include:

A Plan with a Purpose

It is important to be confident in how your retirement investments are managed. We take the time to understand the whole picture when we meet with you. We also look at how to improve your plan. Our discussion will also include how we can help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn more about your options in a no-obligation consultation. 

granddaughters sitting on the couch with their grandparents and laughing wealth management houston tx

How much does it cost?

It never costs anything to meet with Jesse. Some investment accounts will have fees, and some do not. The highest investment account fee is 1.5% per year, but it is common for the cost to be much lower. You must approve all costs, and there will never be a surprise. See our fee schedule below:

1.5% annualized (per year)

0.7% annualized (per year)

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